The Book that Keeps on Giving

When first-time author Darlien Simos published her book of five children’s stories, she already knew she would enjoy sharing it at craft fairs and reading to local elementary school children. Scooter and Smack were an instant hit! So why not expand the dog and...

Review, Rinse, Repeat

Don’t think of yourself as “a writer?” You may not have to spend your whole day word-smithing, but you do sometimes need to write things that others read: a follow-up email to a prospective client; your brand-building blog; answers to questions for a magazine...

Locals Love Local Authors!

Len Ferraguzzi is not shy about offering to do in-person book signings and has had success with local businesses, including a large Ford dealership which featured him and his book(s) to add excitement to a customer event.  Now his two books, Valiant the Few (2016) and...

Author Spotlight

PRESS RELEASE: Announcing the publication of Back Smart: Free Yourself from Back and Neck Pain, Enjoy a Higher Quality of Life without Narcotics or Surgery, a book which provides readers with the necessary facts, realizations, and motivation to solve pain problems...
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