The Feeding of the Muse

Ray Bradbury (one of the greatest American authors of all time) acknowledges that The Muse is not a fictional fleeting goddess dressed in ferns as delicate as her hand in helping in the creative endeavors of any mere mortal. A person’s Muse is real as rain and should...

Reading = Longer Life and a Sharper Mind

“Book readers experienced a 20% reduction in risk of mortality over the 12 years of follow up compared to non-book readers…findings suggest that the benefits of reading books include a longer life in which to read them.”* Reading is an activity that has been...

Review, Rinse, Repeat

Don’t think of yourself as “a writer?” You may not have to spend your whole day word-smithing, but you do sometimes need to write things that others read: a follow-up email to a prospective client; your brand-building blog; answers to questions for a magazine...

“If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.”

“If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.”                 —Elmore Leonard Self-editing techniques that I teach include reading over your written draft out loud, which reveals important cues as to where edits and improvement are needed. This practice is guaranteed to...
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