The Fuel that Powers Leadership

Think of all the demands we put on ourselves every day, especially related to our leadership roles. Early wake-up times and long hours of productivity are so common we hardly consider the energy required. As well as physical and emotional needs, leaders use brain...

Journaling: Easy New Ways to Big Pay-Offs

“The friend at the end of the pen.” This is a chapter title in Kathleen Adams’ book, Journal to the Self. She outlines many good reasons to journal and the proven benefits of the practice.  My favorite of her compelling reasons is that journaling can help you discover...

The Quiet Side of Leadership

Leadership means never having to say I’m bored. The more roles we play and the more expansive each role, the busier we are as leaders. There is literally always something to take in, act on, or communicate to others.  We know of great leaders who only sleep four...

The Multisensory Experience of a Book

We now know that there is more to reading than only absorbing content. When holding a book, the experience offers the reader a multisensory encounter, one that involves the visual look, the emotions evoked by the outside, the feel of the cover and paper pages, even...
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