One of my clients is a real pig.
A famous one, at that!
SRQ, a premiere Sarasota, Florida magazine recently featured Lee Volpe and her pet pig. They are well-known in the community, not only for frequent visits to Starbucks for a banana, but also for educating and entertaining children’s groups from the Humane Society to home parties. Lee’s two books selling on Amazon are quite different genres; one is for adults, a slightly off-color yet hilarious collection…read more –insert link to full article on web site
of stories. It’s titled Black Sheep Tries Bleach: Humorous Stories to Ease Life’s Growing Pains, and is liberally spiced with great photos. As a humorist, Lee’s mission is to remind you, “When life happens, laughter begins.”
Her second book, written in collaboration with “Officer” the mini pig who shares her home, is simply written and beautifully illustrated for children. The two travel around and read the story to children, and/or give talks about being kind to animals as well as to others. The theme of the book, This is Me, is that along his journey looking for where he belongs, Officer The Mini Pig meets and befriends other animals, each so different than what he expected. They teach him a valuable lesson about accepting himself just as he is, and that true happiness has nothing to do with being like anyone else.