Be a Hound Dog Kind of Leader

“Hounds possess excellent noses and high amounts of stamina. Tracking scents, chasing game, and deep bonds with their human companions are all hallmarks of this diverse group of dogs.”(1) Great leaders possess excellent skills for listening and observing and most seem...

Are You Listening to Friend or Foe?

If you know anything about science fiction, you know Ray Bradbury. He imagined and wrote about how things would be years and years ahead of his time (and many of them are in our daily life now!). Even if you have zero interest in sci-fi, you’ll want to read what he...

The Myth of Time Starvation

Are you feeling increasingly starved for time?  You are not alone.   Four out of five adults report feeling that they have too much to do and not enough time to do it.  Here is what goes along with feeling starved for time: less joy, poorer health, fewer laughs,...
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