the original


a newsletter to educate, entertain, and empower you in your leadership roles in life


Barbara Dee

Barbara Dee is President of Suncoast Digital Press, Inc., and founder of Archer Inspired Learning. Her experience spans decades as an entrepreneur and published author with over nine years in the book publishing business. 

As a Master Certified Coach, Barbara Dee has helped hundreds of professionals and business owners maximize their success in all areas of life.  As a business coach, she discovered that becoming a “published author” is the fastest, most effective way to gain instant credibility, build your personal brand, and vastly expand your influence. This discovery gave Barbara the confidence to write You Should Write a Book! (published in 2013) and pursue her passion for helping others to plan, write, and publish their own book. 

Barbara Dee pulls the best book possible from speakers, coaches, small business owners, and professionals in private practice by helping them leverage their experiences, expertise, stories, and their message to share with their target audience. 

What Our Readers Say

Jeffery R. Orenstein, Ph.D.

"Being a published author definitely sets me apart from everyone out there with just an opinion. 

Media or those looking for keynote speakers want someone with my expertise and background as a political science professor, but how they find me is often because they see that I am ‘the one who wrote the book’.  Barbara Dee and her team have been invaluable to me on several book projects already…more to come!

David Kauffman, Empowering Small Business, LLC
Speaker, Author, Trainer

I fooled around trying to write a book to help my speaking  career for two years—more like three. Then I found Barbara Dee. I wrote and published my first book, Freedom to Succeed, and this allowed me to charge higher speaking fees and also get many more small business coaching clients. 

 I speak all over the country and currently have FOUR books for sale in the back of the room at events. I am very excited about starting my next book!

Angela Golden Bryan, Author, Screenplay Writer,  Actor

“Thank you to my publisher, Barbara Dee, for pulling it all together and encouraging me at every step.”

What You'll Learn



What are your business and personal leadership roles? Leadership requires strength—these articles will fortify and empower you to be effective while enjoying the many rewards your roles can bring if you “seize the day!”


Author Spotlight

Wide visibility is how you become well-known without being a self-promoting fool. Just be the one everyone wants to talk with. As a client of Barbara Dee, you could be featured in The Spotlight. 


Life-long learning means never having to say you’re boring. 

Stimulate your thinking with positive and powerful insights.

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